What is the Media Finance Monitor?

The “Media Finance Monitor” is a weekly newsletter focusing on media funding in Central Europe. It catalogues all the latest funding opportunities for news publishers, like grants by the European Commission, impact investment initiatives and other financing options. It also discusses the latest in audience revenues, recommends articles and studies and features interviews/essays about some essential aspects of media funding.

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Subscribe to Media Finance Monitor

Your weekly newsletter on media funding, large-scale grants, impact investment, audience revenues and more. Powered by the Center for Sustainable Media.


Founding director of the Center for Sustainable Media. Consults for MDIF and teaches digital media strategy at the ELTE University in Budapest. Researched digital audience revenue strategies in CEE and the Global South at Oxford.
International multimedia journalist and editorial director at Romanian media PressOne. PhD candidate in Social Anthropology at Panteion University. Originally from Romania, now in Athens, Greece. 10+ years in media production and management.